Wednesday, February 23, 2011


     I finished my Prezi presentation (the previous post) about advanced search commands for Google. Diigo definitely helped in the process, keeping all of my resources in one place.

     We also watched a video today about technology and how it is being used in the modern world. The video basically asked the question, "Is all of the technology we have surrounded ourselves with a good thing or bad?". I feel that the answer to this question will vary from person to person, as well as from situation to situation.

     For instance, a student may require a laptop computer for a class that they are taking. Luckily, many computers are available in the modern world. This is a good use of technology. Where people usually get into trouble is when they surround themselves with so much technology that it interferes with their normal life. Students may be using their laptop, but also their phone, the television, Facebook, YouTube, etc. This distracts them from their schoolwork and becomes a bad use of technology.

     When used correctly, technology is definitely a very helpful, very necessary part of our everyday life.


1 comment:

  1. That movie we watched was interesting and very true there is so many distractions on the internet that make it hard to do your work. Good thing is I only really go on youtube no need for facebook etc, really.
